how many subscribers make money YouTube

How many subscribers make money YouTube

Hi, Guys This Is Junaid Khan, And I Will Tell you Today how many subscribers make money on YouTube.There are many people who make money on YouTube.So not everyone is making money. There Are so many methods of Making money from youtube. In this article, I will mention those methods. They will help you to make your Future on Youtube.

how many subscribers make money YouTube
how many subscribers make money YouTube

Methods Of Earning From Youtube

The first way to make money on YouTube is by running ads before the video starts playing. These ads have a cost per thousand impressions or cost per click. The more subscribers you have, the more likely it is that you will get an impression or a click from one of your viewers, and thus earn some revenue from the ad.

The second way to make money on YouTube is by running ads in between videos that you have uploaded to your channel. These ads can be shown in between videos that you upload or they can be shown when someone watches another video after watching one of yours.

how many subscribers make money on youtube

In this blog, I explain vital facts about this threshold and how many views a typical YouTube channel will need to reach this 4,000 hours threshold. You also watch my videos from my youtube channel Junaid khan 05 to learn all the facts. For More Infomation About Youtube Monetization Visit the youtube Offical website

click Here.

Youtube is the world’s most famous has over 1.5 billion, active users. And it is the most popular platform for generating income. there are so many content creators who update their content on youtube and earn. So for making money from youtube you need views and subscribers

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Youtube Monetization Policy Requirments

The main thing which you can monetize your content on YouTube. you required to have earned 1000 followers (subscribers). So your videos are watched for 4,000 hours.

Once the ads running the creator will receive a checking email from youtube. They withdrew it after they earn at least 100$. Some influencers also earn a lot of Money by Sponsorships and deals with brands. Hope You guys learn A lot From Todays Blog. If you think you learn something new Share this info.

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