Hello friends welcome to my blogging website www.adnantechyt.comHi guys, I’m Junaid khan 05 today I come with another beneficial blog. Today, I am going to tell you about such online earning resources through which you can earn thousands of rupees by sitting at home. Let’s start talking about our today topic Adbtc Payment Proof and How to earn online in Pakistan

Friends, today I’ll tell you about such an application or website where you can earn 3 to 4 dollars on daily basis. You don’t have to do any hard work for it but you can easily earn money by doing this simple work. All you have to do is create an account on a website or application which name is ” ADBTC”. Friends you just have to create an account on it and you can earn 4 to 5 dollars daily by watching ads. Yes, friends, you have to just watch ads and earn money.
This is a very beneficial application
for those who want to make money online by sitting at home. I earn daily 5 to 6 dollars by watching ads in just 4 hours. Many of us today take advantage of this website and earn money in thousand of rupees by just watching ads. you can start work on it without investing a single rupee.
How to create an account on ADBTC?
First of all visit www.adbtc.com or you can create an account by download the application.
1. Click on the ” Sign up” option
2. Enter your email address. Remember to enter that email address on which you want to make an account.
3. Enter a strong password. In password use English math words after this retype password.
4. Click on the sign-in option then your account will be created.
How to verify your email?
Friends now you will have to verify your email account. For this purpose, a code will be sent by the website on your email. Copy this code and go back to the website and paste on the ” Code verification” option after this click on the ” submit” option. Your account will be verified.
How to earn money from ADBTC?
Friends, in this application you’ll earn money in two currencies “Satoshi” and “Rubbles”
Earn money in satoshi

Friends if you want to earn money in satoshi so click on “Serve to add” after click on it fill the captcha and click on “Submit” when you click on submit option add will come on your screen and you can see the price of ads with the add. Now click on the ” open ” option below which is below the ad. When you click on the ” open ” option you’ll go to another website you have to stop on that website for 2 minutes. it depends on your earning if the earning of satoshi is low to 15 so you have to stop on the website for one minute and if the earning of satoshi is up to 15 so you have to stop on the website for 2 minutes. Added Satoshi in your Account
For example, if you stop on the website for 2 minutes and you watch ads 31 satoshis will be added to your account. When you back to the website you’ll see another ad on your screen which earning is 12 satoshi click on it and you’ll go to another website where you have to stop for one minute. After this 12 satoshi will be added to your account. Friends I know the value of satoshi is very low but friends a website on which you are earning without any efforts then, what else do you need? The big benefit of this application is that ads will not finish you will receive one ad after another. If you earn 2000 satoshi daily it means you’ll earn 600 rupees daily.
Earn money in Rubbles
Friends if you want to earn money in Rubbles then click on three lines You’ll see the option “Serve as” Click on it and after this fill the captcha and click on submit option. Friends the value of Rubbles is high so you’ll get minimum Rubbles. Click on add you’ll go to another website where you have to stop 1 or 2 minutes if you stop 2 minutes on the website you’ll see you’ll get some money in your account in Rubbles.
How to withdraw?
Now I’ll tell you how you can withdraw money from ADBTC. Click on three lines and ” withdrawal” if you want to withdraw in satoshi so click on Wallet Infront of satoshi and if you want to withdraw in Rubbles click on Wallet in front of Rubbles. The process to both withdraw is the same. When you enter on Wallet you’ll see you can take withdraw in Bitcoin account, Express crypto account, and payeer account.So, friends by ADBTC application you can earn thousand rupees of money by doing no hard work. Hopefully, friends, you like our today topic. For more informative and beneficial blogs keep following our website regularly.
Adbtc Payment Proof.

This is My Adbtc Payment Proof I Made a lot of Money From this App.And Guys I Recommend you to Use This Application And Made Your First income